HaréM Maybe Novels & Books - WebNovel

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  • I'm The Devil

    I'm The Devil



    WSA 2024 entry novelSynopsisGetting Reincarnated as the Biblical Devil isn't something our protagonist ever thought was possible.He was a firm believer and knew how powerful God and the Angels were, they are existence that are not to be thrived with especially God.But here he was as the Archangel Samael, the left hand of God or the poison of God casted from Heaven to hell for rebelling against his Father, God."what is the meaning of this, is this God's doing"our protagonist wondered as he knew very well that there is no way that the Almighty would not know something about this.So he decided to wait a little while to see what would happen to him but something else happened, what he had expected did not happened, so he has to take in the fact that he is now the new Devil, the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Bloody Morningstar.check out my other works.The Omnipotent SystemMy Infinite System

  • Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

    Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)


    New Update! :- 1 chapter/day will be uploaded. English isn't my first language so, do forgive me if I have made any mistakes. This is a gl novel in a xianxia cultivation novel. No misunderstandings , extremely fast paced romance, No other love interests. Major Update : There will be a BL side couple. This is the story of our two protagonists Mo Yuxin (MC) and Su Yubing(FL) who are bound by a Bond so strong that it transcends reality itself. They are each other's one and only soulmate, their love knows no bound. This is story of their journey to cultivating immortality in a world that is unfair to women , in a world that is wholly dominated by men, where strength is all that matters. Without strength , you don't even get a chance to live peacefully. Our mc Mo Yuxin gets a legendary inheritance from a primordial god who is also one of the oldest gods to live till date and the only one in all of multiverse. This god and her already deceased soulmate decided to leave their inheritance to their only descendant to whom the god's soulmate left a piece of their soul. Watch as how their journey brings about unprecedented changes to the whole world and the multiverse and their sweet and steamy love which will make your tooth ache from sweetness. THIS IS MY VERY OWN WORK. Disclaimer:- I do not own the cover, if the owner of this cover wishes for me take it down, please comment and I will take it down.

  • Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém

    Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém


    ```[Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém.]Este era o Truque de Nux Leander, o homem que transmigrou para um mundo de cultivação, recebeu.Em um mundo de cultivação, este sistema truque permitiu que Nux pulasse o processo árduo que leva anos, décadas ou até séculos. Tudo o que Nux precisava eram suas adoráveis esposas.Quanto mais forte a esposa, mais benefícios ele recebe.“O quê? Você é um Cultivador do Estágio de Grande Mestre com 100 anos? E você chama isso de Talento Incomparável? Talento Incomparável é o caramba! Eu tenho 18 e já sou um Cultivador de Estágio de Rei, melhore, sua incompetente!”Tão ridículo quanto já era, o truque de Nux não terminou aí.Talento de Cultivo, Fisiologias Especiais, Linhagens, seu sistema podia herdar todas!Tudo o que ele precisava fazer era seduzir Mulheres fortes.Acompanhe Nux em sua jornada enquanto ele se promove de um mero mortal, para um brinquedo de menino de uma Nobre Solitária, e então para Imperador do império mais forte do mundo!Tudo isso enquanto ele fica mais forte passando tempo com suas adoráveis esposas....Confira também meu outro romance,Sistema de Deus Vampiro PrimordialSe você quer ler sobre vingança, guerra, sangue, carnificina, vampiros, e, o Retorno do Esquecido Império de Sangue...Capa Gerada por IA....Discord: https://discord.gg/qZHRTHGdZGSe por algum motivo o link não funcionar,Me mande mensagem direta: SleepDeprivedSloth```

  • Sistema Supremo de Dios de Harén

    Sistema Supremo de Dios de Harén


    ```[Sistema Supremo de Dios de Harén.]Este era el Truco que recibió Nux Leander, el hombre que transmigró a un mundo de cultivo.En un mundo de cultivo, este sistema de truco permitía a Nux saltarse el arduo proceso que lleva años, décadas o incluso siglos. Todo lo que Nux necesitaba eran sus encantadoras esposas.Cuanto más fuerte es la esposa, más beneficios recibe.—¿Qué? ¿Eres una Cultivadora de la Etapa Gran Maestro de 100 años? ¿Y llamas a esto Talento Incomparable? ¡Talento Incomparable mis narices! Tengo 18 y ya soy un Cultivador de la Etapa de Rey, ¡supérate perra!Tan ridículo como ya era, el truco de Nux no terminaba ahí.Talento de Cultivación, Fisonomías Especiales, Linajes, ¡su Sistema podía heredarlos todos!¡Todo lo que tenía que hacer era seducir a mujeres fuertes!Acompaña a Nux en su viaje mientras se promociona de un simple mortal, a juguete de una Noble Solitaria, y luego a Emperador del Imperio más fuerte del mundo.¡Todo mientras se fortalece pasando tiempo con sus encantadoras esposas!...No dejes de echar un vistazo a mi otra novela,Sistema de Dios Vampiro Primordial.Si quieres leer sobre venganza, guerra, sangre, gore, vampiros y el Retorno del Olvidado Imperio de Sangre......Portada generada por IA....Discord: https://discord.gg/qZHRTHGdZG.Si el enlace no funciona por alguna razón,escríbeme a: SleepDeprivedSloth.```

  • Sistema de Pecado: Harén Demoniaco Después de la Reencarnación

    Sistema de Pecado: Harén Demoniaco Después de la Reencarnación


    ```Reencarnando para encontrarse a dos bellezas recostadas sobre su regazo, Jake descubrió que él era un Barón Demonio sin linaje. Exiliado del Infierno al mundo humano, a Jake le quedó una pequeña mazmorra y sus dos sirvientes con apenas monstruos bajo su mando.Justo cuando pensó que las cosas no iban bien para él, de repente oyó una voz femenina en su cabeza.—[¡Ding! Bienvenido anfitrión al Sistema de Pecado.]—[Por favor, gira la Ruleta del Pecador para desbloquear tu primer Pecado.]—Esto es... —mientras Jake tocaba instintivamente el disco oscuro que apareció ante su vista, el disco comenzó a girar y se detuvo cinco segundos después. Volvió a escuchar la voz del sistema.—[¡Ding! Felicidades, has desbloqueado el Pecado de Lujuria.]Etiquetas adicionales: Mc Malvado - Mc Inteligente - Mc Descarado - Mc Maquinador - Smut - Sin Yuri - Sin NTR - Pero Contiene Netori - Loli Legal - Súcubo - Elfo - Ángel - Vampiro - Chicas Gato - Chicas Dragón - Chicas Zorro - Chicas Monstruo - Esclavas - Milf - Princesa - Hermosa - YANDERE - Seinen - Maduro - R18 - 18 - Historias de Sexo - Bestialidad - Hentai - NSFW - Embarazo - Incesto - Juegos de Dominación - Control de Emociones - Manipulación de Linaje - Corruptor de Personajes Justos - Pecados - Gore - Transmigración - Mana - Diablo - Demonio - Nigromante - Muerte - Mazmorra - EvoluciónAviso: Por favor, lea esto con precaución. Como autor, les recomiendo que NO muestren esto a sus hijos. Si tienen el corazón sensible, no abran este libro.```

  • Sistema do Pecado: Harém Demoníaco Após Reencarnação

    Sistema do Pecado: Harém Demoníaco Após Reencarnação


    Reencarnando para encontrar duas belezas deitadas em seu colo, Jake descobriu que ele era um Barão Demônio sem linhagem sanguínea. Exilado do Inferno para o mundo humano, Jake foi deixado com uma pequena masmorra e seus dois servos, com quase nenhum monstro sob seu comando.Justamente quando ele pensava que as coisas não estavam boas para ele, de repente ouviu uma voz feminina em sua cabeça.[Plim! Bem-vindo, anfitrião, ao Sistema do Pecado.][Por favor, gire a Roleta dos Pecadores para desbloquear seu primeiro Pecado.]"Isso é..." Enquanto Jake tocava instintivamente o disco escuro que apareceu à sua vista, o disco começou a girar e parou cinco segundos depois. Ele ouviu a voz do sistema novamente.[Plim! Parabéns, você desbloqueou o Pecado da Luxúria.]— — —Tags adicionais: Mc Malvado - Mc Inteligente - Mc Sem Vergonha - Mc Maquinador - Smut - Sem Yuri - Sem NTR - Mas Contém Netori - Loli Legal - Súcubo - Elfa - Anjo - Vampiro - Garotas Gato - Garotas Dragão - Garotas Raposa - Garotas Monstro - Escravas - Milf - Princesa - Bonita - YANDERE - Seinen - Maduro - R18 - 18 - Histórias de Sexo - Bestialidade - Hentai - NSFW - Gravidez - Incesto - Jogo de Dominação - Controle de Emoções - Manipulação de Linhagem Sanguínea - Corrompendo Personagens Justos - Pecados - Gore - Transmigração - Mana - Diabo - Demônio - Necromante - Morte - Masmorra - Evolução— ー ーAviso: Por favor, leia isso com cautela. Como autor, eu recomendo que NÃO mostre isto aos seus filhos. Se você tem um coração sensível, não abra este livro.

  • I'm A Baller

    I'm A Baller


    When a person is poor, everything the person does is wrong, even breathing. DING, congratulations host! You will get a fixed amount of money every time you breathe. DING, you just ate a really delicious lobster and hence, here is a card that allows you to eat spicy food. DING, you had quality sleep today and hence, you have 20% more energy buff that lasts throughout today. In a tycoon system, everything in life brings surprises. Coach, I want to learn racing!

  • I'm a Snake?

    I'm a Snake?


    "The hell? Where am I?" [I am your land survival system, you are the new owner of this snakezoid body] [Obey me, and I shall teach you the secrets of survival with the aid of body upgrades] "What the... are you on shrooms?"...The world that William reincarnated to, was weird. It wasn't necessarily littered with 'merlins' who could taunt actual dragons with their powers, but those who did have powers, could not be underestimated either. Once he reincarnated in this world full of snakes and lizards, William had expected to deal with a couple of fireballs at best, but no, it was dangerous to walk around without getting his head blown up.There were plenty of magicians who wielded intelligence-based powers, for example, which to some extent made them invincible too! Those weren't even the most powerful magicians, no! People were so attuned to the environment around them, along with their own bodies, that plenty of powers originated from such sources!Follow William's journey as he skims through the system's sarcasm, to grasp his rightful rise to power. Follow his journey on shifting a whole country's politics to his will, to achieve some ulterior motives, regarding his ascension to another realm! Notes;- I have no clue to whom the original cover belongs to, feel free to contact me for this matter.- Regarding the update rate ~ often times this novel will seem like it's barely updating, or not at all, but note that it's not dropped, I will finish it. You can start reading it now, or add it for later and wait for it to complete, but either way, feel comfortable that your time and money won't be lost with this novel. If not more, it promises a plot and world worth waiting for.- The novel will be 4-5 volumes long, or approximately 360-480 chapters ~ 600k words max. It seems short in comparison to some other novels in the app, but it's only because the MC is destined to become overpowered at the later portions of the novel.Other tags;Shapeshifers, shapeshifter MC, shapeshifter love interest, snake-people, lizard people, demons, demon MC, harem, light smut, realm, realm splitting, time dilation - light physics included, city building, ruling from the shadows, power lust, sects, religious sects, magic, IQ, intelligence upgrades (with brain lobes described), intelligence based powers, body tampering, expansive ancient history/mystery, pyramids, pyramid building, multi dimensional characters (ex. eight dimensional).

  • Divine Harém

    Divine Harém



    If you were able to go to a different world, which world would you choose? furthermore what if you had 5 more wishes? [Note: This story has a gigantic harem, so for those who don't like it, I recommend not reading it, apart from scenes +18, be warned.]

  • I'm a Stingray?

    I'm a Stingray?


    "The Hell!? Why am I underwater?"[System reboot][Loading...][I'm your ocean survival system, you are my servant][Feed me points, and I'll show you the secrets of survival with the aid of body upgrades] "Oh for the love of..."

  • I'm The Best!

    I'm The Best!

    <p><strong>You want me to calm down? Calm your head!</strong></p><p>This father wants to act cool!</p><p>No, it wasn't posturing, it was truly awesome!</p>

  • Music has Harém?

    Music has Harém?

    Fantasy ROMANCE R18 COMEDY

    Bach is a 18 year old genius in music, playing in gigs, concerts and out performs even his teachers. All was well, until he learned that his music was something...unnatural. Because of this, he shuts himself out, playing music will always be unsettling. But because of unfortunate events, Bach must play to his hearts content, the truth he once realized flooding back to him. The truth that every time he plays music...

  • If And Maybe

    If And Maybe


    Everything was practically perfect for Sawyer Wade until half of that practically perfect everything disappeared. He decides to create a world we’re everything is still practically perfect while trying to keep up with his now not so practically perfect everything. Then he saw her...

  • Maybe He's The One

    Maybe He's The One

    For 23 years old woman, Gia Florence went through lots of breaks up and she never been in a relationship for more than six months. All because she ends up being cheated or any other reason. She always thinking of a fairytale where the princess meets her prince charming and they live happily ever after but didn't find the right guy to be her prince charming yet until one day, she encounters Lucas Santiago who also her father's business client. She had this feeling that he is different from any of her ex and wants to get to know him. She tries various ways to get his attention but it's hard than her thought. So, she gains all her courage and tries again and again.

  • Tôi Là Trùm Sau Màn

    Tôi Là Trùm Sau Màn

    Lục Vô vừa mới được kế thừa di sản ở âm phủ của lão tổ nhưng hắn rất đau đầu. Bởi vì ngoài cái danh hão phủ quân thì lão tổ chẳng để lại cái gì cho hắn, thậm chí những cấp dưới cũ cũng đã phản bội hết và chia cắt tất cả lãnh địa lẽ ra là của hắn. Thành ra, Lục Vô phải dựa vào thần khí chinh chiến mà lão tổ nghiên cứu ra để chế tạo trò chơi, dẫn độ người chơi ở dương thế vào âm phủ, tạo ra các loại nhiệm vụ, phó bản, cốt truyện và NPC... Dựa vào lực lượng của người chơi để bắt đầu con đường chinh phạt của mình. Nhờ có sự giúp đỡ của cô bé Bắc Ly thông minh tuyệt đỉnh và cũng tham ăn vô cùng, Lục Vô dần vững bước tăng cường thực lực của bản thân và mở rộng trò chơi “Chinh Chiến Online” ra toàn thế giới. Hắn trở thành trùm phía sau màn, những bí mật trong quá khứ dần dần hé lộ… Nhưng đó là sau này, hiện giờ hắn và Bắc Ly còn đang bữa đói bữa no, chả có ma nào thèm chơi game của họ đây này!

  • I'm Not A Hero!

    I'm Not A Hero!



    Superpowers are not all they are cracked up to be! Nathan Grant wanted nothing more than to live quietly after the tragedy his power caused when he was younger but fate has other plans for him, including meeting a mysterious woman named Sierra that no one can seem to remember... *Set in the same universe as The Sound of Silence* *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

  • Maybe I'm Amazed

    Maybe I'm Amazed

    Malachi Hawkins left his home to move west as soon as he was old enough. Running from a family secret that he can never escape, he takes a job on the ranch of an old family friend, Lee Rose.<br><br>The first night he's there, he meets Christian Rose, Lee's foster daughter, a young woman of mixed Comanche blood. They call her a savage and treat her like the family slave, but Mal doesn't see a savage at all. He sees a woman of unbelievable strength -- and a kindred spirit.<br><br>But his secret is bound to catch up with him, and when it does, it could destroy both of them forever ...

  • harém em Power Rangers

    harém em Power Rangers

  • Maybe This Time

    Maybe This Time

    Three years ago, Winston Abernathy did something completely out of character -- he had a one-night stand with a gorgeous dancer. But the next day, the dancer left for New York to try to make it big on Broadway, and Win went back to dating men who were like himself -- boring, bland paralegals.<br><br>Now that dancer, Randy Lincoln, is back in Los Angeles. That amazing night with Randy has fueled Win's fantasies for the past three years, yet he doesn't believe a man like Randy would be interested in someone like him. Much to his surprise, Randy wants to see him, and for longer than one night. Maybe this time they can have a chance for a relationship.<br><br>But when Randy gets an opportunity to dance in a Las Vegas show, Win wonders if he'll have to let Randy go for good.

  • Triệu Hoán Mộng Yểm

    Triệu Hoán Mộng Yểm

    Lâm Thịnh là một học sinh cấp ba nhạt nhòa, xuất thân tầm thường, vóc dáng trung bình, tính tình bình thản, thành tích học tập cũng không nổi trội. Suốt mười mấy năm, cậu như một lữ khách ơ hờ quan sát thế giới. Cuộc sống của cậu vô cùng nhạt nhẽo. Mọi thứ đều thường thường, trừ chuyện Lâm Thịnh có một bí mật bất thường: Cậu có ký ức của kiếp trước. Dường như vì vậy cuộc đời cậu cũng định trước không thể bình thường. Khi muốn bỏ chút gia vị cho đời thêm phấn khích, thì có vẻ nó lại lấy nhầm thuốc súng. Từ đây Lâm Thịnh buộc phải chia tay những tháng ngày vô vị, dấn thân vào một cuộc phiêu lưu đầy hung hiểm và kích thích. Lâm Thịnh bắt đầu có những cơn ác mộng kỳ dị, cậu bị liên tiếp kéo vào những thế giới xa lạ nguy hiểm chồng chất mà không thể kháng cự. Đồng thời thế giới hiện thực cậu đang sống cũng dần dần bị lột bỏ tấm mặt nạ an bình. Cậu không muốn trở thành mồi ngon mặc cho bọn quái vật trong mơ lẫn thực tại xâu xé. Nguy hiểm đi kèm kỳ ngộ, thời thế tạo anh hùng. Bằng ý chí phi thường và cái đầu tỉnh táo, Lâm Thịnh từ một thiếu niên không có tham vọng hay lý tưởng lớn lao gì, vì tự vệ, phải nỗ lực rèn luyện vươn lên ngày càng mạnh mẽ. Từ chỗ bị động ứng phó với hiểm nguy đến chủ động đương đầu, thậm chí quyết đoán đón đầu bóp chết nguy cơ từ trong trứng nước, để tự bảo vệ mình và những người thân yêu, là cả quá trình trưởng thành gấp gáp đong đầy suy tính, mồ hôi và máu nóng của một kẻ tưởng như bình thường mà không phải người thường.

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